Jan-Erik Ritzman and Sven-Åke Carlsson Transjö Hytta Glass Footed Bowl


A glass footed bowl by artists Jan-Erik Ritzman and Sven-Åke Carlsson for Swedish glass company Transjö Hytta. Signed “JR SC Transjö” to the underside, this bowl is made from blue glass and has a bright red base.

Transjö Hytta is a small glass studio in Sweden that was started by Jan-Erik Ritzman and Sven-Åke Carlsson after their careers at the Kosta Boda factory. Jan-Erik Ritzman began working for Kosta Boda in 1957 and seven years later became the youngest recognized glass master in the company's history. Sven-Åke Carlsson met Ritzman during the early 1970s and opened the Transjö Hytta in 1976. 



13” W x 4” H x 13” D.

Condition notes:

Minor wear.

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